Will problem based learning help students understand high school biology concepts better?

Many high school science students have difficulty in comprehending some topics in Biology like Biodiversity. As a result, students are unable to answer high order questions asked from the topic. This demotivates students to study Biology as well as decreases their performance in exams. In an attempt to find solutions for this, PBL was implemented to a high school biology student. Quantitative (by comparing pre and posttest) and qualitative data (Interviews, reflections, content analysis of student work and answers) were collected and analyzed. Results show that student’s score increased after the PBL lessons. Additionally, it was found out that student’s understanding of the Biodiversity increased along with development of cognitive skills, transferable skills and changed attitude towards subject. However, since this study was conducted to only one student, the findings cannot be generalized to a whole class. Further research must be carried out to see how PBL works in a whole classroom.
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