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    Will problem based learning help students understand high school biology concepts better?
    (2020) Rasheed, Nashaya
    Many high school science students have difficulty in comprehending some topics in Biology like Biodiversity. As a result, students are unable to answer high order questions asked from the topic. This demotivates students to study Biology as well as decreases their performance in exams. In an attempt to find solutions for this, PBL was implemented to a high school biology student. Quantitative (by comparing pre and posttest) and qualitative data (Interviews, reflections, content analysis of student work and answers) were collected and analyzed. Results show that student’s score increased after the PBL lessons. Additionally, it was found out that student’s understanding of the Biodiversity increased along with development of cognitive skills, transferable skills and changed attitude towards subject. However, since this study was conducted to only one student, the findings cannot be generalized to a whole class. Further research must be carried out to see how PBL works in a whole classroom.
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    Effect of Islamic civilization on European civilizations
    (2023) Sameer, Khadheeja Mohamed
    As the world constantly attempts to keep pace with the changing world it is important to reflect on the past to learn from its lessons. One specific area to explore in this regard is the rise and fall of civilizations, and what each has learned from the previous. This paper aims to explore the influences of the Islamic civilization on the rise and establishment of European civilization. It will first present how civilization is defined in the paper, followed by a brief historical analysis of the causes that led to the fall of the Islamic civilization, and its contribution to the rise of European civilization. The paper will then go on to focus on four selected areas – namely knowledge and education, economics, medicine and science, and humanities and art – and the contributions and influences of Islamic civilization on the Europeans in the aforementioned areas.
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    Improper care for adolescents suffering from substance use disorder in the Maldives
    (2022) Ahmed, Aminath Rafa
    This study focuses on ineffective treatment plans for Maldivian adolescent addicts. Even though this is a growing problem in the Maldives, there are no rehabilitation centres for minors. Improper treatment of adolescents suffering from substance abuse is a disservice not only to society but also to their youth and potential. These children are denied the opportunity to live a normal life because caregivers fail to provide them with the care they require. This leads to issues within the family, which has a direct impact on the communities in which they live. The goal of this research paper is to provide a legal solution to this problem; thus, the best methodology to use for this paper is to conduct legal research and qualitative doctrinal legal research that inquires about the current laws relating to the treatment of the Drug Act in the Maldives. The qualitative research method is the most effective. I chose survey research to learn more about the current treatment options for minors with substance use disorders in the Maldives. I was able to determine whether or not people who provide care for them believe the current system is adequate by conducting survey research. In addition, doctrinal legal research was conducted to gain an understanding of the current Maldives laws relating to treatment and the Drug Acts for juveniles. The survey results show that even employees and government bodies working in this field are dissatisfied with the current system in place for treating juvenile addicts. There is no proper system in place for those children, according to the government. To make changes to the current juvenile treatment procedure, a collaborative effort between the government bodies is required to develop a more organized set procedure as well as stricter sanctions for drug-related crimes.
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    Case review for Rifas Hussain vs Hussain Abdul Gadir (2019/SC-A/99)
    (2022) Ahmed, Aminath Rafa
    This assignment is based on a case review for the Supreme Court case Rifas Hussain vs Hussain Abdul Gadir (2019/SC-A/99), which concluded on September 1, 2021. The case involves two contract elements (consent and legality) as well as Section 15 of Maldivian contract law. Before delving into the Supreme Court case, the basic facts of the case are discussed, followed by the Procedural History of the Magistrate and High Court trials to provide a clear picture of the issues at hand. Following that, the case's issues are established, followed by the Supreme Court trial. The analysis section discusses the relationship between the two parties involved as well as how the contract works while comparing the case to other similar cases dealing with similar issues. Leading up to the ratio decidendi of elements discussed in the case concerning provided pieces of evidence, and concluding the review with the verdict and how the judges arrived at their decision.
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    Necessity of amending diplomatic immunity
    (2023) Ahmed, Aminath Rafa
    In recent years, governments have become increasingly concerned by the abuse of domestic workers by foreign diplomats. There is a growing trend amongst the diplomats to abuse the diplomatic immunities and privileges vested upon them, as they cannot be made amenable to the jurisdiction of the receiving state. The paper analyzes the instances of abuse of diplomatic immunity in different countries, then discusses solutions which the countries can adopt against the diplomat on the instance of abuse. It brings up important issues regarding the requirement for international agreement on enforcing tougher laws without compromising the underlying values that support diplomatic ties.